Building Bridges to Healthy Eating
This is your place for fresh, locally-grown, affordable fruits and vegetables!
Our farmers market is Saturdays, 10:00am-2:00pm from June to November.
You can get the best value for your money by joining our CSA.
Support Community Farmers and Growers
FARMERS MARKET and CSA pick-up Saturdays 10am – 2pm, June to November
We accept cash, credit, debit, EBT/SNAP, WIC, Senior FMNP and Produce Plus.
Registration for the Fall 2023 CSA season is now open!
The Fall Session will take place from September 30th to November 11th.
Sign up here.
Got questions? We have answers.
Farmers Market and CSA 2023 Dates
Spring Session June 10 – July 22
Summer Session August 5 – September 16
Fall Session September 30 – November 11
What is the C.R.I.S.P CSA program?
The C.R.I.S.P. CSA or Community Supported Agriculture program is a member-based program where community residents sign up for a weekly bag of fruits, vegetables, herbs and value-added products (like salad dressing and jam). Pricing is on a sliding-scale and we offer different share sizes (single or family) depending on how much produce you would like to receive.
If your household makes less than $55,000/year:
Individuals* – just $5/week
Families – $10/week
If your household makes more than $55,000/year:
Individuals – $25/week
Families – $30/week
*Select an Individual membership if you don’t cook much or live with 3 or fewer people. We recommend selecting a Family membership if you cook for 4 or more people or eat a plant-rich diet.
Who are the Farmers?
Local women farmers and farmers of color! Anything that is not grown directly from our Building Bridges Farm network is sourced from small-scale farms within 150 miles of Washington DC with a priority on black/brown-owned, women-owned and veteran-owned farms.
For more information about the C.R.I.S.P. Farmshare and Market check out our Frequently Asked Questions, or contact our Farmer’s Market Manager – Jahni Threatt –