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Equitable Development Manager

11th Street Bridge Park

The 11th Street Bridge Park is searching for an Equitable Development Manager to oversee the implementation of the park’s Equitable Development Plan. This is a critical position building on work of the last several years we ensure that the thousands of residents who have helped shape this new civic space can continuously benefit from it.

A successful candidate will possess: deep knowledge of the communities adjacent to the park in Wards 8, 7 and 6; excellent project management experience; communications and public speaking skills; and knowledge or workforce development, small business enterprises and housing strategies. We are seeking a collaborative individual as we partner with non-profit and government entities.

This position will manage existing partnerships for the Equitable Development Plan’s implementation with non-profits such as LISC, Manna, City First Homes, Housing Counseling Services, the Urban Institute, local universities and government agencies such as the DC Department of Transportation, Department of Employment Services and the Deputy Mayor for Greater Economic Opportunity. This position will seek and develop new partnerships with additional organizations / agencies who can help realize the plan’s recommendations. One example is the work to prepare east of river residents to successfully apply for and succeed in construction jobs for the Bridge Park.

For more information on this position and to apply, please send your resume and cover letter to:
Scott Kratz, 11th Street Bridge Park Director

Equitable Development Manager 11th Street Bridge Park.pdf

The logo for 11th street bridge park.


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