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Welcome to our new website!

11th Street Bridge Park

This new site is a wonderful way to stay in touch with our latest news about the 11th Street Bridge Park – D.C.’s first elevated park over the Anacostia River. On, you can follow the progress of our nation-wide design competition to be launched later this month, sign up for regular e-mail blasts, support our work by making a donation (thank you!), share our growing video library with friends and read regular musings via our blog (let me know if you’re interested in submitting any guest posts.)

We welcome your thoughts on this site, and more importantly about the 11th Street Bridge Park as we move forward. From the beginning, this project has been community driven. To date, we’ve participated in over 200 meetings with church leaders, business owners, municipal officials and residents to ensure the future park captures the community’s hopes, needs and dreams.  Perhaps you’ve already attended some of these sessions in historic Anacostia, Capitol Hill, Fairlawn, Hillcrest or other meeting halls across the city. With your passion and dedication we will create this amazing new civic space – a place unlike any other in Washington, D.C. supporting the community’s artistic, physical, environmental and economic health. A critical link connecting regional initiatives along the river, it will be a place for gathering and entertainment for neighboring communities, a playful destination for some and a pedestrian or bicycle link for others. And for everyone, the 11th Street Bridge Park has the potential to be an iconic architectural symbol celebrating the Anacostia River, its environmental restoration, and the culture and history of the communities along it.

Thank you for joining us on this journey and helping to shape this important project. After all, how many times in your life do you get to help build a park over the water?

This should be fun!

The logo for 11th street bridge park.


Join us for a FREE walking tour to explore the future site of the park and stay updated on all exciting new developments!
