THEARC Funders

A diverse group of generous and caring foundations, governments, corporations and individuals provided vital financial support to build THEARC. We recognize and thank these partners, listed below, that made it possible to complete the challenge of this ambitious facility.

A red brick building with a fence in front of it.

THEARC is an inspiring example of a public-private collaboration.


American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons
Apartment Office Building Association (AOBA)
District of Columbia Building
Industry Association (DCBIA)


EDI Special Initiatives


Department of Housing & Community Development


Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington
Covenant House Washington
NFL Playground at THEARC


Arcana Foundation
Carter & Melissa Cafritz Charitable Trust
Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation
Naomi & Nehemiah Cohen Foundation
Community Foundation for the National Capital Region
Dallas Morse Coors Foundation for the Performing Arts
Dimick Foundation
Doran Family Foundation
Max & Victoria Dreyfus Foundation
Richard & Lois England Family Foundation
Enterprise Foundation
Fannie Mae Foundation
Robert M. Fisher Memorial Foundation
John E. Fowler Memorial
Freddie Mac Foundation
Freed Foundation
Philip L. Graham Fund
Griffin Foundation
Isadore and Bertha Gudelsky Family Foundation
International Humanities, Inc.
Anthony F. Lucas – Spindletop Foundation
ADA Harris Maley Foundation
George E. Preston Marshall Foundation
Eugene & Agnes E. Meyer Foundation
Miller & Chevalier Charitable Foundation
Morningstar Foundation
Howard & Geraldine Polinger Family Foundation
Porter Family Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Hattie M. Strong Foundation
Clark Winchcole Foundation


Bank of America
Central Wholesalers, Inc.
Chesapeake Iron Works, Inc.
City First Bank of DC
D.H. Kim Enterprises, Inc.
FedEx Corporation
GMI Professional Landscape Services, Inc.
Goldin & Stafford
Green Park Financial
JER Hudson Housing Capital LLC
Local Initiative Support Corporation (LISC)
National Cooperative Bank
Related Capital Company
Riggs Bank NA
Shaw Pittman LLP
Suntrust Bank
Wachovia Bank
William C. Smith + Co.


The Billings Family
Richard & Lois England
Joseph & Lynne Horning
Skip & Susan McMahon
Alan Meltzer
John & Judy Ritz
Chris & Lisa Smith
William & Lola Smith