Design & Construction Updates

Design & Construction Updates

The 11th Street Bridge Park, in partnership with the District Department of Transportation, held a virtual public meeting in 2021. Below, you will find a recording of the meeting and answers to a list of questions from that meeting.

Project Timeline

11th Street Bridge Park Design & Construction Milestones & Target Date

Aug 2019 – Jan 2020

Develop Bridge Plans, Elevations and Existing and Proposed Sections

Sept 2019 – Jan 2020

Develop Site Plans (roof, deck, piers, Environmental Education Center)

Summer 2020

Preliminary Plan Design Complete

Summer 2020

NEPA Process Complete


65% Design Complete & Kick off to 100% Design

August 2022

Construction drawings complete.

Fall 2023

Begin process to solicit general contractor.

11th Street Bridge Park Project Team

  • Architect – OMA
  • Landscape Architect – OLIN
  • Structural & Geotechnical Engineering – Whitman, Requardt & Associates

35% of projects subcontractors are DC based minority owned firms.

The 11th Street Bridge Park, in partnership with the District Department of Transportation, held a public forum at Anacostia High School in 2019. Below, you will find answers to a list of questions from that meeting.

The logo for 11th street bridge park.


Join us for a FREE walking tour to explore the future site of the park and stay updated on all exciting new developments!
