The 11th Street Bridge Park’s Equity Tool Kit

While creating our Equitable Development Plan, we have been fortunate to learn from our community, and colleagues and partners across the country. To help inform the efforts of community advocates, park leaders and municipal officials as they lead inclusive economic growth in their own neighborhoods, we have documented and are proud to share our process of creating and implementing a community-driven plan.

Girl In Garden
Little Girl Going Down Stairs | Building Bridges

Sharing our process of creating and implementing a community-driven plan.

Our Community. Our Process. Our Plan.

Learn why it’s important to think about equitable development early, intentionally and with the community. Check out the first video in our tool kit!

Create A Plan For Your Community:  

Learn the 7 step process we took to create the 11th Street Bridge Park’s Equitable Development Plan & tips to create an inclusive-community driven plan of your own.

Extra Tools to Create Your Plan:

Hear lessons learned from the 11th Street Bridge Park’s staff and equity partners as they answer some of the frequently asked questions of creating the Equitable Development Plan.

Empower The Community:

Community Leadership Empowerment Workshop (CLEW) is a tool that amplifies the voices and power of community residents. It is a nine-session course  that focuses on the following key areas: personal leadership, community organizing, and understanding the urban planning process.

Stay Tuned! 

Be the first to know! Sign up for our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media @DCBridgePark to receive the latest equity video updates.

Learn More-Do More!

Learn more about strategies from our Equitable Development Plan and our community investments to date.

Equity Strategies Invest In People

The logo for 11th street bridge park.


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