Capitol | Building Bridges


Educational resources, documents, and videos.

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Benefit-Cost Analysis Technical Memorandum

Equitable Development and Urban Park Space

Equitable Development Plan

Environmental Performance Metrics

Urban Institute White Paper

The 11th Street Bridge Park Baseline Health Assessment

Plan for kiosk based businesses on the 11th street bridge park

Parks And Play: Innovative Design In D.c.

11th Street Bridge Park Community Land Trust

2012 Summer Youth Employment Program Collaboration

The National Capital Planning Commission 

Design Overview By Oma’s Jason Long And Olin’s Hallie Boyce

Economic Impact Study

Virginia Tech Urban Planning Students Study The 11th Street Bridge Park And Economic Opportunities

Presentation Of The 11th Street Bridge Park

People, Places And Plans: Demographic Analysis, Neighborhood Site Inventory And Assessment Of Policy Relevant To The 11th Street Bridge Park

Elevated Parks On The Rise: Six Projects With Lessons For The 11th Street Bridge Park

Access, Walkability And Wayfinding: The Experience Of Getting To The 11th Street Bridge Park

Reimagining the Civic Commons: Value Capture in the Commons

The logo for 11th street bridge park.


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